Wijnne Barends +31 (0)596 63 77 77
set sail

Wijnne Barends – just add water

Founded in 1855, Wijnne Barends is one of the world’s oldest shipping companies. Based in Delfzijl, Wijnne Barends is a dynamic and flexible company that offers all disciplines to companies requesting or offering cargo.

The key activities of Wijnne Barends are shipmanagement and chartering, technical management and crewing.

The trade routes are mostly in Scandinavia, the Baltic States, Western Europe and the Mediterranean from the White Sea to the Black Sea, making it the short-sea specialist within the Spliethoff Group. The company has in-house expertise to ship a broad range of commodities including sawn timber, peat moss, steel products, fertilisers, grains, wood pulp, biomass products and (recycled) woodchips. The high cubic vessels are well equipped for project cargo and the sea-river vessels regularly sail to Duisburg, Paris, Lake Vänern and many tidal ports along the French and British coast.

Wijnne Barends Logistics provides stevedoring, warehousing and forwarding in the port of Delfzijl, Farmsum and Eemshaven.